Employment Solutions for Newcomers

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Name: Employment Solutions for Newcomers
Date: October 24, 2023
Time: 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM PDT
Event Description:
To register and for all details, please visit the Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/employment-services-for-newcomers-collaborative-forum-tickets-715725011777?aff=oddtdtcreator C?alling all employment programs, recruiting agencies, HR departments, and employers to this panel discussion and collaborative forum on newcomer employment. Learn from newcomer experiences, established and emerging local solutions, and each other. While this event takes place in Chilliwack, it is a regional event. T?he afternoon will begin with a panel representing a local employment program, employer, settlement supports, and newcomers to Canada who will speak to their personal experiences as employees and job-seekers navigating local labour markets. There will be panel Q & A, before leading into small group collaborative discussions with peers to explore best practices, common challenges, opportunities for cooperation and innovation in the labour market. Participants in this discussion will gain: -stronger connections to sector peers, -deeper understanding of the experiences and challenges faced by newcomer job-seekers, - opportunity to influence the design and implementation of future sector-specific collaborative events
Clover Room Sports Landing Centre 45530 Spadina Ave, Chilliwack
Date/Time Information:
Tuesday, October 24 1-4:30pm
Contact Information:
Kim Reddicopp 604-866-3212
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